Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emotions & mood

Article # 1.

1.What the writer of the article is saying that the mood for him it is all about the feeling of being there, of taking the viewer to the location of the photo to feel like i did when the shot was taken.

2.The common element that can add mood to a photo is fog, because a thick fog can add so much to a shot when people look at the image they would know exactly what the experience was like when the photo was taken.

3.Storm clouds add mood because the darker, more ominous and threatening the sky, the more drama and mood the picture will have. The moods that the storm clouds can convey are dark and ominous.

4. The effect that running water can have is a calming mood.

5. Many different people can find many different moods in a photo because different people like outdoors and others don't and different things like that.

Article #2

1.Adding an emotion makes a great photo because emotion, or a feeling , is what can bring a snapshot out of obscurity and make it shine.

2.The photo should express the feeling for you. Like its should express how you were feeling when you took the photo.

3.The faces convey emotions easily because you can see when they are happy or mad like when they are dancing for example or performing.

4.Sitting and observing will make you see that the mood of those around you will often become more apparent with the relaxed stance that your in.

5.The question that you should always ask yourself when shooting is "what emotion am I trying to convey?"

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